Outstanding School Business OfficialGASBO Outstanding School Business Officials AwardEach year the Georgia Association of School Business Officials will recognize an outstanding GASBO member who exemplified professionalism, leadership and innovation in the field of school business management. The current GASBO President establishes a committee to review nominees objectively and select this outstanding GASBO member. The committee will consist of the current GASBO President, First Vice President and Immediate Past President. An Active Member of GASBO may submit nominations for the Outstanding School Business Official to the committee by completing the Nominee Application. We hope you will take a few minutes to complete the Georgia Outstanding School Business Official form to recognize and nominate your coworker or fellow business associate for the Georgia Outstanding School Business Official for 2024. The deadline to submit the GASBO Outstanding School Business application for the 2024 conference is October 11, 2024. Note: All nomination applications must be received by the announced deadline. Please plan for email delivery appropriately. Applications received after the deadline will be returned.
Congratulations to the 2023 GASBO Outstanding School Business Official, Stephanie Smith, Finance Director, Toombs County Schools
Previous winners are as follows: